Thursday, January 10, 2013

Catch those sales!!!!!

There are two times of the year when it makes sense to stock up on crafting supplies. The first is in August. Those back to school sales are great for buying all your glue, tape and markers for the entire year. The second is after Christmas/New Years.

Almost every store out there has holiday stuff they want to get rid of cheap and fast. Ribbon, tissue paper, holiday themed kits, gift tags, etc. All this stuff might seem worthless to some, but to a person looking for odds and ends to fill craft boxes for the year it's a gold mine. I recently picked up ribbon spools for 10 cents, paper for 15, and a huge box of foam stickers for only 15 cents. Score!
Moral of the story? Think out side of the box, hunt those clearance signs, and stock up!

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