Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 1: Field Trip Day

I knew that the first day would be the hardest. Get through this and I can definitely get through the next (& the next & the next... you get the idea). So I planned ahead and made sure I had company by my side. We spent the majority of the day out of the house on a "field trip" in the city.

The morning was spent at a city pool with some friends. It's a really neat one that has a sandy shore, and quite a large area in the water at a shallow depth. It made it really nice to let the kids swim (even the little one that can't swim yet) without worrying about them going too deep. We stayed several hours...why go if we didn't have to? But after a while we left, took a quick pit stop at home for some food, bathrooms, some fresh clothes, and out we were again.

Off to the park for the afternoon. We choose one not super close to home, which means we don't go to it often. But it has some really fun play structures the kids love, putting it easily on their list of top 5 favorite parks. Again, we met friends there. However, I think we pushed some limits with planning so much in one day. We had 3 potty trips (at a park w/o restrooms), a cut foot, 3 skinned knees, a bug bite, and some general over exhausted whining by the time we left.

As we got out of the car at home we had a nice surprise. A very vibrant neat little bug was crawling around on the street. We watched him for a while, and then went inside and got out some field guide identification books to try and figure out what he was. We think it was Condylostylid Long-legged Fly.

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