Friday, June 29, 2012

Puzzle Day

Two nights ago seven o'clock rolled around and I just needed some peace and quiet (two words that I'm still trying to put in my kids' vocabulary). I told the kids that if they wanted to stay in the living room with me they needed to do something quiet, like a puzzle. To my surprise they stopped their jumping game, went over to the game closet and pulled out some puzzles without any rebuttal. The down side was there were 4 pieces missing from my sons super hero puzzle with The Hulk (his favorite super hero for now).

The puzzle was still out on the little table we had set up in the living room. So this morning we looked for the missing pieces. We found them mixed in with another super hero puzzle. This gave me the inspiration to label the backs of all the puzzle pieces to match what puzzle they belonged with. (Can you tell I used to work at a library? haha) And that's where the project began.

It soon became a game to try and put together every puzzle we own, and "assemble" them side by side on the floor. We ran out of hours in the day to get every puzzle we own complete, but we got quite a few done. I estimate we put together 1115 pieces today! I'm pretty impressed at our dedication. :)

Here's an example of what my labeling system looked like. We have 3 Hello Kitty puzzles, one with 24 pieces, one with 48, and one with 63. So the back of each got "H.K. 24", "H.K. 48", and "H.K. 63". Some of the other labels included "Hero 24", "Hero 48", "Hero 63", "ABC" and "Cars".

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