Tuesday, August 21, 2012

End of Summer Summary

Wow, this summer has been a whirlwind! I can hardly believe that we're preparing for school to start soon, and many of my friends are already posting back to school pictures on their facebook wall. These last couple of weeks have been especially crazy for our family, and that is why I have not posted ideas on the blog. Just two weeks ago we made the decision to move to a new home before the first day of school. So in these last 12 days I have found a new job in a new city, found a house in this new city, and have been quickly saying good bye to all our friends here and packing boxes. The first day of school for my first grader is Monday, so we still have a lot to do in a short amount of time. All creative ideas have been put on the "keep in mind for later basket".

So what have I learned this summer? That summer vacation is not something to be afraid of. Yes, it was exhausting and we're all looking forward to school starting back up. However I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the freedom that the lack of structure gave us these last couple of months. If we didn't have anything planned we took our time getting dressed, ate breakfast on the couch, and enjoyed plenty of laughs being silly while brushing our teeth. These are things that will change in a week. "Stop goofing off and brush those teeth! We have to leave in 2 minutes!"

What does this mean for the future? I've really enjoying writing this blog over the summer. It's been a win-win situation. I liked being accountable to all of you to come with fun activities, my kids have enjoyed all of the cool things we've done, and I've gotten really great feedback from friends who've enjoyed gaining ideas. So I don't want this journey to end. I plan on keeping up with the posts over the school year. But my goal won't be nearly as ambitious. Instead of trying to post daily my goal is to post two to three times per week. That would mean fun Mommy/kid activities on the weekend, and once or twice in the middle of the school week. I think that's realistic for me.

I have really enjoyed the aspect of helping ideas spread, so if you have something you're proud of please feel free to share it on my facebook page, 104 Days of Summer Vacation. Maybe your idea is just what another mom is looking for.

Well, I'm off to pack some more boxes, then head to Target to pick up our school supply list I haven't even touched yet. I hope they still have a small selection of folders to choose from and we're not stuck with the ugly reject folder. ;)

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