Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jam Session

I play a little guitar. Wait... let me rephrase that... I used to play a little guitar. Now I have a guitar that rests comfortably next to the lounge seat in the master bedroom. It came in really handy back in the day when I lived at camp and lead groups singing songs around the evening bonfire. Way back in the day.

This afternoon we were all pretty hot and I didn't feel like moving much. So I scooped up a bowl of ice cream for the kids (I got zero argument on this idea), get out the old guitar and start strumming.

Now, mind you, I only remember a handful of chords. And I use the same strumming pattern for everything. (My husband thinks that all my songs sound the same.) But the kids don't. Change it up just a little, add different words, and they're jumping around singing and dancing along! They were so into the music that I felt a twinge of regret that I don't play for them more often.

When my fingers were getting soar (which didn't take long, since there's no callus built up anymore) my son took over and started strumming. He was really liking it. The only downfall was that now a guitar is topping his Christmas wish list... it might become an expensive holiday!

If you don't play guitar, or any instrument, that doesn't mean you can't do this same activity. Hop onto You Tube with the kids and start plugging in song titles of all your favorite dance and sing along type songs. Turn the screen off while the song is playing so that you're not focused on the video, but rather the interaction with the people around you. It's a whole lot of fun too. Basically slow down, sing, and really appreciate these precious moments!

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