Thursday, June 21, 2012

Star Crayons

This is one activity that I've been wanting to do for a long time. I've been on the hunt for good silicone molds to make crayons, but haven't seen any that I liked. Then earlier this week I saw these rubber star shaped ice cube trays at Target and I knew they'd be perfect. With 5 pointy parts on each crayon, that's 5 times the sharp ends for the kids to wear down. So here's how to make them.

First have the kids go through your crayon box and take out the broken pieces. Sort them by similar color, then take off all the paper.

Now for your part. Take an empty can (this one is from some pineapple we ate for lunch). Wash it and be careful not to cut yourself on any jagged edges.

Put the crayons in can. Take a small pot and cover the bottom with about an inch of water. Put the can in the pot, making a sort of double boiler.

Turn the stove on to medium heat and let the wax melt.

Use a set of pliers to securely pick up the hot can when all the wax has melted. I put a hot pad mitt on my other hand, just in case.

Pour the melted wax into your mold. Let it sit in one spot until it cools. It might sink in the middle as it cools.

If you're using a silicone mold it's a little easier. You can place the broken crayon pieces directly in the mold. Then place on a cookie sheet and pop it in the oven turned on low. Let it sit for about 10-20 min, checking frequently. Remove from the oven when all the wax is melted and let it cool on the counter. Do not try this with rubber molds, because they might melt in the oven as well.

The kids thought it was so cool to color with stars. My son kept asking for swirled colors, so we just might have to make more.

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